Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Created on Sun Sep 22 16:11:34 2013

Various specialized graphing routines. The Probability Density Function 
graphing is best accessed by calling :func:`pdf_graph` on the raw data, but
you can generate the PDF from the data separately (e.g. using 
:func:`pdf_bins`) and calling :func:`generalized_histogram_disp` on the 

The other facility here is a function to plot a time-dependent 3D vector as
3 component subplots, which is another customary presentation in fluid 
dynamics circles. See :func:`plot_vectors`.

import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as pl

[docs]def pdf_bins(data, num_bins, log_bins=False): """ Generate a PDF of the given data possibly with logarithmic bins, ready for using in a histogram plot. Arguments: data - the samples to histogram. bins - the number of bins in the histogram. log_bins - if True, the bin edges are equally spaced on the log scale, otherwise they are linearly spaced (a normal histogram). If True, ``data`` should not contain zeros. Returns: hist - num_bins-lenght array of density values for each bin. bin_edges - array of size num_bins + 1 with the edges of the bins including the ending limit of the bins. """ if log_bins: data = data[data > 0] minv = np.min(data) bins = np.logspace(np.log10(minv), np.log10(data.max()), num_bins + 1) else: bins = num_bins hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, density=True) return hist, bin_edges
[docs]def generalized_histogram_disp(hist, bin_edges, log_bins=False, log_density=False, marker='o'): """ Draws a given histogram according to the visual custom of the fluid dynamics community. Arguments: hist - an array containing the number of values (or density) for each bin. bin_edges - the start value of each bin, same length as ``hist``. log_bins - indicates that the bin edges are log-spaced. log_densify - Show the log of the probability density value. May cause problems if ``log_bins`` is True. marker - marker style for matplotlib. Returns: the list of lines drawn, Matplotlib objects. """ if log_bins: plt = pl.loglog if log_density else pl.semilogx else: plt = pl.semilogy if log_density else pl.plot lines = plt(bin_edges, hist, marker) pl.ylabel("Probability density [-]") return lines
[docs]def pdf_graph(data, num_bins, log=False, log_density=False, marker='o'): """ Draw a PDF of the given data, according to the visual custom of the fluid dynamics community, and possibly with logarithmic bins. Arguments: data - the samples to histogram. bins - the number of bins in the histogram. log - if True, the bin edges are equally spaced on the log scale, otherwise they are linearly spaced (a normal histogram). If True, ``data`` should not contain zeros. log_density - Show the log of the probability density value. Only if log is False. marker - override the circle marker with any string acceptable to matplotlib. """ hist, bin_edges = pdf_bins(data, num_bins, log) generalized_histogram_disp(hist, bin_edges[:-1], log, log_density, marker='-' + marker)
[docs]def plot_vectors(vecs, indep, xlabel, fig=None, marker='-', ytick_dens=None, yticks_format=None, unit_str=""): """ Plot 3D vectors as 3 subplots sharing the same independent axis. Arguments: vecs - an (n,3) array, with n vectors to plot against the independent variable. indep - the corresponding n values of the independent variable. xlabel - label for the independent axis. fig - an optional figure object to use. If None, one will be created. ytick_dens - if not None, place this many yticks on each subplot, instead of the automatic tick marks. yticks_format - a pyplot formatter object. unit_str - a string to add to the Y labels representing the vector's units. Returns: fig - the figure object used for plotting. """ fig = pl.figure(None if fig is None else fig.number) labels = ("X " + unit_str, "Y" + unit_str, "Z" + unit_str) for subplt in xrange(3): pl.subplot(3,1,subplt + 1) pl.plot(indep, vecs[:,subplt], marker) pl.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) pl.grid() pl.ylabel(labels[subplt]) if yticks_format is not None: pl.gca().get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(yticks_format) if ytick_dens is not None: loc, _ = pl.yticks() pl.yticks(np.linspace(vecs[:,subplt].min(), vecs[:,subplt].max(), ytick_dens)) pl.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(True) pl.xlabel(xlabel) return fig