Interpolation module reference

Interpolation routines.


[2]Lüthi, Beat. Some Aspects of Strain, Vorticity and Material Element Dynamics as Measured with 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry in a Turbulent Flow. PhD Thesis, ETH-Zürich (2002).


class flowtracks.interpolation.Interpolant(method, num_neighbs=None, radius=None, param=None)[source]

Holds all parameters necessary for performing an interpolation. Use is as a callable object after initialization, see __call__().


  • method: interpolation method. Either ‘inv’ for inverse-distance weighting, ‘rbf’ for gaussian-kernel Radial Basis Function method, or ‘corrfun’ for using a correlation function.
  • radius: of the search area for neighbours, [m]. If None, select closest neighbs.
  • neighbs: number of closest neighbours to interpolate from. If None. uses 4 neighbours for ‘inv’ method, and 7 for ‘rbf’, unless radius is not None, then neighbs is ignored.
  • param: the parameter adjusting the interpolation method. For IDW it is the inverse power (default 1), for rbf it is epsilon (default 1e5).
__call__(tracer_pos, interp_points, data)[source]

Sets up the necessary parameters, and performs the interpolation. Does not change the scene set by set_scene if any, so may be used for any off-scene interpolation.


  • tracer_pos: (n,3) array, the x,y,z coordinates of one tracer per row, in [m]
  • interp_points: (m,3) array, coordinates of points where interpolation will be done.
  • data: (n,d) array, the for the d-dimensional data for tracer n. For example, in velocity interpolation this would be (n,3), each tracer having 3 components of velocity.


  • vel_interp: an (m,3) array with the interpolated value at the position of each particle, [m/s].

Performs an interpolation over the recorded scene.


  • subset: a neighbours selection array, such as returned from which_neighbours(), to replace the recorded selection. Default value (None) uses the recorded selection. The recorded selection is not changed, so subset is forgotten after the call.


an (m,3) array with the interpolated value at the position of each of m particles.

neighb_dists(tracer_pos, interp_points)[source]

The distance from each interpolation point to each data point of those used for interpolation. Assumes, for now, a constant number of neighbours.


  • tracer_pos: (n,3) array, the x,y,z coordinates of one tracer per row, in [m]
  • interp_points: (m,3) array, coordinates of points where interpolation will be done.


  • ndists: an (m,c) array, for c closest neighbours as defined during object construction.

Adds the keys necessary for recreating this interpolant into a configuration object. It is the caller’s responsibility to do a writeback to file.


  • cfg: a ConfigParser object.
set_scene(tracer_pos, interp_points, data)[source]

Records scene data for future interpolation using the same scene.


  • tracer_pos: (n,3) array, the x,y,z coordinates of one tracer per row, in [m]
  • interp_points: (m,3) array, coordinates of points where interpolation will be done.
  • data: (n,d) array, the for the d-dimensional data for tracer n. For example, in velocity interpolation this would be (n,3), each tracer having 3 components of velocity.

Remove interpolation points from the scene.


  • which: a boolean array, length is number of current particle list (as given in set_scene), True to trim a point, False to keep.

Finds the neighbours that would be selected for use at each interpolation point, given the current scene as set by set_scene().


(m,n) boolean array, True where tracer \(j=1...n\) is a neighbour of interpolation point \(i=1...m\) under the reigning selection criteria.

flowtracks.interpolation.corrfun_interp(dists, use_parts, data, corrs_hist, corrs_bins)[source]

For each of n particle, generate the velocity interpolated to its position from all neighbours as selected by caller. The weighting of neighbours is by the correlation function, e.g. if the distance at neighbor i is \(r_i\), then it adds \(\rho(r_i)*v_i\) to the interpolated velocity. This is done for each component separately.


  • dists: (m,n) array, the distance of interpolation_point \(i=1...m\) from tracer \(j=1...n\), for (row,col) (i,j) [m]
  • use_parts: (m,n) boolean array, whether tracer j is a neighbour of particle i, same indexing as dists.
  • data: (n,d) array, the d components of the data that is interpolated from, for each of n tracers.
  • corrs_hist: the correlation function histogram, an array of b bins.
  • corrs_bins: same size array, the bin start point for each bin.


  • vel_avg: an (m,3) array with the interpolated velocity at each interpolation point, [units of data].
flowtracks.interpolation.inv_dist_interp(dists, use_parts, velocity, p=1)[source]

For each of n particle, generate the velocity interpolated to its position from all neighbours as selected by caller. Interpolation method is inverse-distance weighting, [1]


  • dists: (m,n) array, the distance of interpolation_point i=1...m from tracer j=1...n, for (row,col) (i,j) [m]
  • use_parts: (m,n) boolean array, whether tracer j is a neighbour of particle i, same indexing as dists.
  • velocity: (n,3) array, the u,v,w velocity components for each of n tracers, [m/s]
  • p: the power of inverse distance weight, w = r^(-p). default 1. Use 0 for simple averaging.


  • vel_avg: an (m,3) array with the interpolated velocity at each interpolation point, [m/s].
flowtracks.interpolation.rbf_interp(tracer_dists, dists, use_parts, data, epsilon=0.01)[source]

Radial-basis interpolation [3] for each particle, from all neighbours selected by caller. The difference from inv_dist_interp is that the weights are independent of interpolation point, among other differences.


  • tracer_dists: (n,n) array, the distance of tracer \(i=1...n\) from tracer \(j=1...n\), for (row,col) (i,j) [m]
  • dists: (m,n) array, the distance from interpolation point \(i=1...m\) to tracer j. [m]
  • use_parts: (m,n) boolean array, True where tracer \(j=1...n\) is a neighbour of interpolation point \(i=1...m\).
  • data: (n,d) array, the d components of the data for each of n tracers.


  • vel_interp: an (m,3) array with the interpolated velocity at the position of each particle, [m/s].

Builds an Interpolant object based on values in an INI-formatted file.


  • conf_fname: path to configuration file.


an Interpolant object constructed from values in the configuration file.

flowtracks.interpolation.select_neighbs(tracer_pos, interp_points, radius=None, num_neighbs=None)[source]

For each of m interpolation points, find its distance to all tracers. Use result to decide which tracers are the neighbours of each interpolation point, based on either a fixed radius or the closest num_neighbs.


  • tracer_pos: (n,3) array, the x,y,z coordinates of one tracer per row, [m]
  • interp_points: (m,3) array, coordinates of points where interpolation will be done.
  • radius: of the search area for neighbours, [m]. If None, select closest num_neighbs.
  • num_neighbs: number of closest neighbours to interpolate from. If None. uses all neighbours in a given radius. radius has precedence.


  • dists: (m,n) array, the distance from each interpolation point to each tracer.
  • use_parts: (m,n) boolean array, True where tracer \(j=1...n\) is a neighbour of interpolation point \(i=1...m\).