Source code for flowtracks.sequence

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

from .io import trajectories, infer_format
from .particle import Particle
from .trajectory import take_snapshot, trajectories_in_frame, Frame
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser

[docs]class Sequence(object): """ Tracks a dual particles database (for both inertial particles and tracers), allowing a number of underlying formats. Provides segment iteration and trajectory-mapping. """ def __init__(self, frange, frate, particle, part_tmpl, tracer_tmpl, smooth_tracers=False, traj_min_len=0.): """ Arguments: frange - tuple, (first frame #, after last frame #) frate - the frame rate at which the scene was shot. particle - a Particle object representing the suspended particles' properties. part_tmpl, tracer_tmpl - the filenames for particle- and tracer- databases respectively. Names must be as understood by :func:`'. smooth_tracers - if True, uses trajectory smoothing on the tracer trajectories when iterating over frames. Possibly out of date. traj_min_len - when reading trajectories (tracers and particles) discard trajectories shorter than this many frames. """ self.part = particle self.frate = frate self._rng = frange self._ptmpl = part_tmpl self._trtmpl = tracer_tmpl self._smooth = smooth_tracers self._minlen = traj_min_len # No-op particle selector, can be changed by the setter below later. identity = lambda traj: traj self.set_particle_selector(identity) self.set_tracer_selector(identity) # This is just a cache. Else trajectories() would check every time. self._pfmt = infer_format(part_tmpl) self._trfmt = infer_format(tracer_tmpl)
[docs] def part_fname(self): """ Returns the file name used for reading inertial particles database. """ return self._ptmpl
[docs] def part_format(self): """ Returns the format inferred for the inertial particles database. """ return self._pfmt
[docs] def range(self): """ Returns the frame number range set for the object, as a tuple (first, last). """ return self._rng
[docs] def subrange(self): """ Returns the earliest and latest time points covered by the subset of trajectories that the particle selector selects, bounded by the range restricting the overall sequence. """ trs = self.particle_trajectories() mins = np.empty(len(trs)) maxs = np.empty(len(trs)) for trn, tr in enumerate(trs): t = tr.time() mins[trn] = t.min() maxs[trn] = t.max() return max(mins.min(), self._rng[0]), min(maxs.max(), self._rng[1])
[docs] def set_particle_selector(self, selector): """ Sets a filter on the particle trajectories used in sequencing. Arguments: selector - a function which receives a list of :class:`~flowtracks.trajectory.Trajectory` objects and returns a sublist thereof. """ self._psel = selector self.__ptraj = None
[docs] def set_tracer_selector(self, selector): """ Sets a filter on the tracer trajectories used in sequencing. Arguments: selector - a function which receives a list of :class:`~flowtracks.trajectory.Trajectory` objects and returns a sublist thereof. """ self._tsel = selector self.__ttraj = None
[docs] def particle_trajectories(self): """ Return (and possibly generate and cache) the list of :class:`~flowtracks.trajectory.Trajectory` objects as selected by the particle selector. """ if (self.__ptraj is not None): return self.__ptraj self.__ptraj = self._psel(trajectories(self._ptmpl, self._rng[0], self._rng[1], self.frate, self._pfmt, self._minlen)) # Also caches the starts and ends of trajectories, so that accessing # only the ones relevant to a specific frame is easier. start_end = [(tr.time()[0], tr.time()[-1]) for tr in self.__ptraj] self.__pstarts, self.__pends = map(np.array, zip(*start_end)) return self.__ptraj
[docs] def tracer_trajectories(self): """ Return (and possibly generate and cache) the list of :class:`~flowtracks.trajectory.Trajectory` objects corresponding to tracers. """ if (self.__ttraj is not None): return self.__ttraj ttraj = self._tsel(trajectories(self._trtmpl, self._rng[0], self._rng[1], self.frate, self._trfmt, self._minlen)) if self._smooth: self.__ttraj = [tr.smoothed() for tr in ttraj] else: self.__ttraj = ttraj # Also caches the starts and ends of trajectories, so that accessing # only the ones relevant to a specific frame is easier. start_end = [(tr.time()[0], tr.time()[-1]) for tr in self.__ttraj] self.__tstarts, self.__tends = map(np.array, zip(*start_end)) return self.__ttraj
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over frames. For each frame return the data for the tracers and particles in it, as a tuple containing two :class:`~flowtracks.trajectory.ParticleSnapshot` objects corresponding to the current frame data and the next frame's. Returns: A Python iteraor. """ if not hasattr(self, '_act_rng'): self._act_rng = self._rng self._frame = self._act_rng[0] # Make sure the particle trajectory cache is populated. self.particle_trajectories() self.__schema = self.__ptraj[0].schema() if not (self.__ttraj is None): return self # Make sure the tracers cache is populated: self.tracer_trajectories() self.__tschem = self.__ttraj[0].schema() return self
[docs] def iter_subrange(self, first, last): """ The same as :meth:`__iter__`, except it changes the frame range for the duration of the iteration. Arguments: first, last - frame numbers of the first and last frames in the acting range of frames from the sequence. Returns: A Python iteraor. """ self._act_rng = (first, last) return self
def next(self): if self._frame == self._act_rng[1]: del self._act_rng raise StopIteration frame = Frame() tracer_ixs = trajectories_in_frame(self.__ttraj, self._frame, self.__tstarts, self.__tends, segs=True) tracer_trjs = [self.__ttraj[t] for t in tracer_ixs] frame.tracers = take_snapshot(tracer_trjs, self._frame, self.__tschem) part_ixs = trajectories_in_frame(self.__ptraj, self._frame, self.__pstarts, self.__pends, segs=True) part_trjs = [self.__ptraj[t] for t in part_ixs] frame.particles = take_snapshot(part_trjs, self._frame, self.__schema) self._frame += 1 next_frame = Frame() next_frame.tracers = take_snapshot(tracer_trjs, self._frame, self.__tschem) next_frame.particles = take_snapshot(part_trjs, self._frame, self.__schema) self._next_frame = next_frame return frame, next_frame
[docs] def map_trajectories(self, func, subrange=None, history=False, args=()): """ Iterate over frames, for each frame call a function that generates a per-trajectory result and add the results up in a per-trajectory time-series. Arguments: func - the function to call. Returns a dictionary keyed by trajid. receives as arguments (self, particles, tracers) where particles, tracers are the sequence iteration results as given by __iter__. subrange - tuple (first, last). Iterate over a subrange of the sequence delimited by these frame numbers. history - true if the result of one frame depends on earlier results. If true, func receives a 4th argument, the accumulated results so far as a dictionary of time-series lists. args - a tuple of extra positional arguments to pass to the function after the usual arguments and the possible history argument. Returns: a dictionary keyed by trajid, where for each trajectory a time series of results obtained during the trajectory's lifetime is the value. """ if subrange is None: subrange = self._rng trajects = self.particle_trajectories() # Allocate result space: res = {} frame_counters = {} # Initialize result buffer and frame counter per trajectory. for tr in trajects: trid = tr.trajid() t = tr.time()[:-1] # This handles trajectories partly out of subrange bounds. in_range = (t >= subrange[0]) & (t < subrange[1]) len_in_range = in_range.sum() if len_in_range < 1: continue res[trid] = [None]*len_in_range frame_counters[trid] = 0 for frame, next_frame in self.iter_subrange(*subrange): if history: fargs = (self, frame, next_frame, res) + args else: fargs = (self, frame, next_frame) + args frm_res = func(*fargs) for k, v in frm_res.iteritems(): res[k][frame_counters[k]] = v frame_counters[k] += 1 for k in res.keys(): res[k] = np.array(res[k]) return res
[docs] def save_config(self, cfg): """ Adds the keys necessary for recreating this sequence into a configuration object. It is the caller's responsibility to do a writeback to file. Arguments: cfg - a ConfigParser object. """ if not cfg.has_section("Particle"): cfg.add_section("Particle") cfg.set("Particle", "diameter", str(self.part.diam)) cfg.set("Particle", "density", str(self.part.density)) if not cfg.has_section("Scene"): cfg.add_section("Scene") cfg.set("Scene", "frame rate", str(self.frate)) cfg.set("Scene", "first frame", str(self._rng[0])) cfg.set("Scene", "last frame", str(self._rng[1] - 1)) cfg.set("Scene", "apply smoothing", "yes" if self._smooth else "no") cfg.set("Scene", "trajectory minimal length", str(self._minlen)) # Need to escape these because of ConfigParser's 'magic variables'. cfg.set("Scene", "tracers file", self._trtmpl.replace('%', '%%', 1)) cfg.set("Scene", "particles file", self._ptmpl.replace('%', '%%', 1))
[docs]def read_sequence(conf_fname, smooth=None, traj_min_len=None): """ Read sequence-wide parameters, such as unchanging particle properties and frame range. Values are stored in an INI-format file. Arguments: conf_fname - name of the config file smooth - whether the sequence shoud use tracers trajectory-smoothing. Used to override the config value if present, and supply it if missing. If None and missing, default is False. traj_min_len - tells the sequence to ignore trajectories shorter than this many frames. Overrides file. If None and file has no value, default is 0. Returns: a Sequence object initialized with the configuration values found. """ parser = SafeConfigParser() particle = Particle( parser.getfloat("Particle", "diameter"), parser.getfloat("Particle", "density")) frate = parser.getfloat("Scene", "frame rate") tracer_tmpl = parser.get("Scene", "tracers file") part_tmpl = parser.get("Scene", "particles file") frange = (parser.getint("Scene", "first frame"), parser.getint("Scene", "last frame") + 1) # The smoothing option is subject to default/override rules. if parser.has_option("Scene", "apply smoothing"): if smooth is None: smooth = parser.getboolean("Scene", "apply smoothing") else: if smooth is None: smooth = False # Same goes for traj_min_len if parser.has_option("Scene", "trajectory minimal length"): if traj_min_len is None: traj_min_len = parser.getint("Scene", "trajectory minimal length") else: if traj_min_len is None: traj_min_len = 0 return Sequence(frange, frate, particle, part_tmpl, tracer_tmpl, smooth, traj_min_len)